Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Tuesday Tangents ... On the road again

The Babe and I are just about to head to JFK bound for sunny San Diego. This is his third plane trip in his short 11 week life. I should probably buy some carbon credits to offset his impact.

This is the first trip, however, that I am taking on my own. I have rehearsed collapsing the Bugaboo countless times. I've even done it with the Baby Bjorn on to simulate how I will collapse the stroller while wearing the Babe. I'm still a tad nervous that I'm going to be one stressed out mama standing in line futzing with her oversized stroller and irritating a bunch of hostile New Yorkers. But I'll survive.

What is perhaps more worrisome is the boatload of stuff I am bringing with us in addition to the stroller. I managed to cram it all into one large suitcase but it is far too much for a six day trip. I'll blame it on the Medela pump that is taking up half of my suitcase.

The only "green" aspect of this trip is the Babe. He's wearing it.

1 comment:

Jennifer Griggs said...

I thought of you while I was reading this story on NYT.com earlier this week -- http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/09/garden/09small.html?pagewanted=1&_r=1&ref=todayspaper